Church & Dwight Co., Inc. UK Tax Strategy

UK Tax Strategy
Church & Dwight UK Limited (the ‘Company’) regards this publication of its UK tax strategy as complying with its duty under paragraph 22(2) of Schedule 19 of the Finance Act 2016 for the financial year end 31 December 2024. This document sets out the Company’s approach to UK taxation.

Business Overview
Church & Dwight UK Limited manufactures and sells toiletry products in the UK, Europe, Middle East and other parts of the world, both to the consumer products sector and other group businesses.
It is a wholly owned subsidiary of Church & Dwight Co. Inc., a US corporation listed on the New York Stock Exchange and head quartered in Ewing, New Jersey.
As a listed multinational business we recognise the importance of corporate and social responsibility and the role taxation plays in the wider society. We therefore maintain a robust corporate governance framework with appropriate checks and balances and commitment to ensure tax compliance in all jurisdictions we operate in.

Tax governance and risk management arrangements
Our approach to UK taxation is aligned with our underlying economic activity and supported by our robust governance framework. The governance framework is underpinned by our people from across the business and our corporate governance guidelines. Our Finance Director (FD) is responsible for the UK finance function and taxation. The UK operations are also supported by wider finance team in the UK and senior colleagues from group tax department based in the US. Together they identify, assess and report finance and tax matters to the business.
Complexity and continuous legislative changes mean the business also utilizes the services of professional tax services firms and obtains such external advice when required.

Approach to tax planning and level of tax risk
Our business transactions are aligned by our underlying economic activities. As part of ongoing tax compliance we ensure that statutorily available tax reliefs and claims such as capital allowances and research and development are obtained.
The business values clarity and certainty and does not engage in artificial tax transactions. The business has low tolerance to tax risk.

Approach to Dealings with the Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs (HMRC)
The Company is committed to maintain an open, professional, collaborative and transparent relationship with the HMRC. As set out above the business is committed to timely tax compliance ensuring prompt tax administration that includes timely tax return filings and tax payments.